HomeTrendsAn Old Man Decides To Prove His Wife Isn’t Having Trouble Hearing.

An Old Man Decides To Prove His Wife Isn’t Having Trouble Hearing.


An old man notices that his wife is having trouble hearing.

He tries telling her to go for a hearing test, but she won’t hear of it.

He decides to prove to her there’s something wrong with her hearing.

He goes upstairs, takes out a recorder, turns it on and, knowing she is in the kitchen, yells downstairs,

“Honey, what’s for supper?”

No answer. He goes downstairs and yells

“Honey, what’s for supper?” Still no answer.

He enters the living room and yells again

“Honey, what’s for supper?” No answer.

He even stands right outside the kitchen and yells

“What’s for supper?” and still, no answer.

Finally, he stands right behind her and asks

“Honey. What’s. For. Supper?!” and she turns around and says

“Damn!t Al, for the hundredth time, CHICKEN!!!”

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