Judged by Appearance: The Bridal Boutique Showdown
Entitled Saleswomen Refused to Let Me Try on a Wedding Dress, but They Didn’t Know One Important Detail
Marissa is greeted by two conceited saleswomen who make assumptions about her appearance as she enters a bridal boutique in search of her ideal gown. Marissa, who is 55 years old and Hispanic, is already aware of the prejudice that surrounds her. The saleswomen are taught a valuable lesson when John, the salon manager, lets them in on her true identity.

As I entered the wedding salon, I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of nervous energy and excitement rising within me. I was genuinely doing this for the first time at this point. I was entering the bridal salon for the first time. I would be looking at wedding clothes for the first time.
However, I was also aware that my chances of getting along with the salespeople were rather small. I was 55 years old, Latinx, and genuinely me. I was aware that I wasn’t the “usual” bride.
But what the heck? I’d put in too much labor to let somebody ruin this opportunity.
The salon was almost shining. The chandeliers and marble flooring gave the impression that they belonged in a palace. Just like I had seen it online, it was. It fulfilled every promise that was made to me.
What’s the best thing, then?
The gorgeous gowns hanging in rows at every angle. It was astounding to me how distinctively each garment stood out from the others as well. I was eager to begin removing the gowns I desired to try on.
However, as I moved deeper inside, something altered.
The youthful, well-groomed salespeople in their black outfits quickly assessed me. I was aware that they were immediately viewing me as an elderly lady who had entered the room with a sense of authority.
I sensed their voices reverberating throughout the room and their stares lingering just a bit too long. As I moved toward the closest rack, my heels clicking on the glossy floor, I inhaled deeply.
One of them, a tall blonde with a smile that almost reached her eyes, suddenly approached me.
With a thick veneer of phony civility, she asked, “Can I help you?”
I gave a nod.
Sure, please let me try on several dresses. My initial preference would be lace, but I’m willing to try anything else that would work better on my body.”
Her brows flew up as if I had just begged her to purchase me the whole damn store.
“Yeah, uh, these dresses are quite delicate,” she remarked, stretching out the term as if she didn’t think I understood.
You realize you ought to exercise greater caution? Strive to keep your hands off of them.”
I blinked rapidly as I tried to take in the insult.
My hands?
Casting a quick glance at them, I tried to figure out what exactly she felt was incorrect. Simply put, they resembled the hands of a hardworking woman.
“My hands are clean,” I murmured gradually.
She gave me a small, amused smile for my answer.
“I just meant, these dresses are very expensive, ma’am,” she replied. “You might want to consider something less expensive. We also offer a variety of those. There isn’t much to select from, but it’s small, so you should be able to find anything, right?
Another saleswoman, a brunette this time, stepped forward before I could reply. It was hard for me to think she could breathe at all because of her tight ponytail.
Yes, the clearance dresses at the back are really nice. More dresses from the previous season. However, they’re definitely more affordable for you,” she scoffed.
I gritted my teeth and feigned a grin.
“To be honest, I would like to give this one a try,” I stated, gesturing to a lace gown on the mannequin before me.
The blonde’s smile turned into a quiet giggle as her eyes grew wider.
She said, “Oh, are you sure?” The dress costs more than $10,000. For someone like you, it might be a tad pricey.”
Her tone of disdain struck me like a rush of wind. However, I resisted letting them view it. I kept a smile on my face.
They believed they understood me completely. I was just an elderly Hispanic woman, nothing special, nothing to them. Given the cliché about my hands, they most likely assumed I was a housekeeper.
I was simply one more “out of place” client.
They had no idea that they were going to get a surprise.
John, the manager, materialized from the back as if on cue. He smiled and was wearing a black suit with style. I could see he sensed something wasn’t quite right as his gaze flitted between the two saleswomen and me.
“What’s the situation here? Girls?” His voice was full of power as he questioned.
The blonde scoffed before I could say anything more.
“Oh, nothing, just making sure our goods are kept secure. This woman had her eye on the more costly dresses. Additionally, you’ve always cautioned us to be careful with the gowns.”
She believed she was being witty. Conversely, John was furious. With his face becoming darker by the moment, he turned to face her.
His voice strained, he said, “This lady?” “Ms. Morales, is that right? Becoming Mrs. Shepherd soon? the salon’s recent owner?”
Their faces turned expressionless.
“Wait, what?” The blonde stumbled over her words. “The proprietor? I mistook the proprietor for an elderly Mr. Thomas.
“Mr. Shepherd, Ashley!” John gave a bark. “He’s the fiance of Ms. Morales. The store is now under her control. If you paid attention to anything other than yourself, you would be aware of this.
It sounded like a pin dropping. The salespeople stayed put, motionless. They had no idea who they’d been talking to, but now that they knew who I was, they were contemplating whether or not their careers were in danger.
“I have the mind to fire you both on the spot!” John yelled. “So what if Ms. Morales wasn’t the owner, do you two treat customers like this?”
I shook my head and turned to face John.
“John, please don’t fire them,” I pleaded. “Not yet, anyway.”
He questioned, “Ma’am, are you sure?”
I turned back to the saleswomen and nodded. Their conceit had long since vanished, to be replaced with something much more fulfilling.
I pointed to the blond and added, “Instead of firing her.” “For the next month, I want her to be my personal assistant. Before the wedding, Thomas and I have a lot of work to accomplish.”
Her mouth fell open.
Her eyes widened, she muttered, “P-Personal assistant?”
“You’re correct, Ashley,” I replied. You’re going to discover the true nature of this enterprise. You will attend to clients regardless of their appearance, attire, or place of origin. You will realize that this is not a job where you just push pricey outfits on people. Making every bride look gorgeous is the goal. We do more than just offer dresses. We’re assisting ladies in realizing their aspirations.”
The audience fell silent as my words began to register. John did not even dare to question my choice; he merely agreed.
“And what about me?” The brunette enquired. “I’m Matilda, by the way.”
You will do just that, Matilda, but you won’t concentrate on becoming my personal assistant. No. You’re going to research wedding gowns. All the materials we have in this store will be explained to you. You’ll pick up every fashion trend for clothing. plus all kinds of bridal veil.”
I took a brief break and glanced at each of them.
I questioned, “Do I make myself clear?”
They both gave fervent nods.
“So… what now?” Ashley questioned tremblingly.
“Now, you get me some champagne and ask me what kind of dress I want, Ashley,” I stated with confidence.
While Matilda dashed over to the lace section and grabbed the exact gown from the mannequin off the rail, the poor girl hurried through the curtained area and got me a glass of champagne.
“What do you think, Matilda?” I enquired. “Think it will suit me?”
Matilda gave me a serious look as though she was attempting to decide how to respond.
She mutely remarked, “I think you’ll look beautiful in anything, ma’am.” “But I think a sweetheart neckline will suit you better, it will enhance your shoulders.”
“Much, much better, Matilda,” I told her, grinning broadly.
I knew I had my work cut out for me with these two gals, and there was plenty more to come. However, it was right that they both learned how to succeed in this field.
What about me? I needed to find a wedding gown.
How would you have responded in that situation?