When two extraordinary voices unite, the result is nothing short of magical. Susan Boyle, the global sensation...
The memorable scene unfolded during a game sketch reminiscent of “Password,” where the cast members were given...
According to royal tradition, the only daughter of Wales will not pass down her HRH title to...
Kate Middleton’s cancer diagnosis not only affected the royal family but the people of Britain and the...
The 1990s produced several remarkable cinematic moments, with the classic pottery scene from Ghost standing out above...
Even when you’re on a whirlwind global tour, the show must go on—even if you have a cold....
One evening, a woman came home to find a golden retriever sitting at her door. The dog...
Back in 2012 she gathered the strength and told US Weekly, “It’s no secret that I am an...
There’s nothing quite like a wedding to leave people in tears of joy. That was a lesson...
Washing dishes is a way to remove bacteria and leftover food inside, but few people think that...