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Single mom of four buys used car, owner tells her to look in trunk when she gets home

Single mom of four buys used car, owner tells her to look in trunk when she gets home

Being a single mom of four children, the world may not always be kind, but thankfully, there’s always someone to remind you that there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

When Jennifer became pregnant with their fourth child, her husband left her, unwilling to have more children. Their financial situation was already difficult and he believed another child would make things even harder, but Jennifer refused to terminate the pregnancy so they split.

Left to raise her children all by herself, Jennifer faced many challenges. The biggest of all was her inability to land a job. She went from place to place, but everyone refused to hire her. One restaurant owner told her that he would never hire a mother of four because something always comes up with the kids.

After a few weeks of wandering around the town and sending resumes, Jennifer decided to try her luck in the nearby city. With the last $30 in her pocket, she took a taxi and hoped for the best.

Single mom of four buys used car, owner tells her to look in trunk when she gets home
Single mom of four buys used car, owner tells her to look in trunk when she gets home

Just as she got out of the car, she noticed a sign on one of the hotels that said they were hiring a housekeeper. The manager told Jennifer that they were short in staff and said she could start right away. They didn’t care she was a single mom as long as she appeared on time and did the job well.

Her heart pounded. She went back home, thanked her kind neighbor for keeping an eye on her children while she wasn’t home, and told her children that she had found a job, but it wasn’t close. Sadly, taking the bus would take her a lot of time to and from work, and she couldn’t afford a taxi every day. Her only solution was to get herself a car, but she didn’t have any money in order to buy one.

Still, she decided to visit a couple of places that sold used cars. She noticed a beautiful car that she liked, but it cost a lot of money.

Single mom of four buys used car, owner tells her to look in trunk when she gets home

After hesitating for a while, she asked the sales person, who happened to be running the place, if he could sell it to her for $5000. She explained her situation and the man said he could give her a discount. However, she didn’t have the money so she asked him if he could keep the car for a day until she went to the bank to ask for a loan. He agreed, and Jennifer left, praying this deal wouldn’t fail.

Sadly, due to her poor credit, she was refused a loan.

Desperate, this mother started crying, struggling to hide her whimpering from her barely asleep children. The only valuable thing she had was her mother’s golden heirloom Jennifer kept close to her heart. She thought of selling it, but it meant too much to her to let someone else have it. However, after battling with her own emotions, she decided to take it to a pawn shop the following day.

When the morning arrived, Jennifer took the heirloom, kept it tight in her hand, and entered the pawn shop. She was offered $5,500 for it. With a heavy heart, she let go of it and took the money.

She really needed that car in order to be able to get to her job and take her kids to school and daycare every morning. Without it, she wouldn’t have any money to provide them with food, and she could even lose the trailer where they lived at the time.

When she went to get the car, the owner could sense the pain in her eyes. Jennifer handed him the envelope with the money, and he gave her the car keys. She signed some documents and started the car, but just as she was about to leave, the owner said to her, “By the way, check the car’s trunk when you get home. I left something for your children inside.”

Single mom of four buys used car, owner tells her to look in trunk when she gets home

Jennifer thanked him and headed home to her children. She had forgotten about the owners words until she needed to place something inside the trunk. The moment she opened it, she was stunned. She was looking at an envelope, exactly the same as the one she gave to the man who sold her the car. It didn’t take long before she realized it was the same one, and all the money were intact.

“I hope you and your children liked the gift I left inside the trunk. May it be of great help to you,” the note inside the envelope read.

Jennifer felt like she needed to thank the man personally so she drove to the dealership and expressed her immense gratitude. This man restored her faith in humanity. There were still kind-hearted people out there, and Jennifer was lucky to buy a car from one of them.

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