Home News USA 16-Pound Giant Baby Made Headlines In 1983 – Now He’s All Grown...

16-Pound Giant Baby Made Headlines In 1983 – Now He’s All Grown Up And Still Famous For His Size


In 1983, Patricia Clarke, a 24-year-old woman, became pregnant with her second child, expecting another large baby as big babies ran in the family. Little did she anticipate that her son, Kevin Robert Clark, would break records weighing a staggering 16 pounds at birth, becoming the largest baby ever born at Community Memorial Hospital and likely in the entire New Jersey area.

Despite his size, baby Kevin was perfectly healthy, and his remarkable weight garnered national attention, featuring on “Saturday Night Live” and “Good Morning America.”

As Kevin grew, his size continued to astonish. By the age of 12, he reached a height of 5 foot 7, and by junior high, he stood tall at 6 foot 5. Far from stopping there, Kevin continued to grow, becoming 6 feet 9 inches tall.

Now 40 years old, a former military man, and married, Kevin faces daily inquiries about his height. Sporting a playful attitude, he jokes about being “5-foot-21” and humorously responds to questions about basketball by asking if others play miniature golf.

Despite the challenges of being exceptionally tall, Kevin, with a shoe size of 17, navigates life with a positive outlook. He lives with his wife, who is considerably shorter, and their Great Dane.

His journey from the record-breaking baby of 1983 to a towering figure today showcases a remarkable life, where Kevin embraces his uniqueness and handles the inevitable questions about his extraordinary appearance with grace and humor.

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